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Mobilize empowered supporters, campaigns, and grassroots orgs to successfully flip Georgia in 2021. Learn more with these statistics.
After November 3, all eyes turned to Georgia for the Senate elections. Both parties fought for the Senate majority, which would determine who controlled policy, confirmed cabinet and Supreme Court nominees, and more. Jon Ossoff and Reverend Raphael Warnock ran fierce campaigns that engaged volunteers and donors from around the country.
Both campaigns used Mobilize, the premier volunteer management platform of the Democratic Party, to organize and recruit volunteers. They were also supported by other advocacy organizations and political groups such as Fair Fight Action, the Georgia Democratic Party, and more.
In January, both candidates won their elections, successfully flipping the Senate!
This would not have been possible without the 77,000 volunteers who gave their time and energy to the campaigns. Learn more about how Ossoff and Warnock’s campaigns used Mobilize to flip Georgia blue!
The two campaigns hosted an impressive number of events to register voters, phone bank, and provide important information. Since July 2020, Ossoff and Warnock hosted 686 events on Mobilize. Of these events, 55% were virtual and 78% were phone banks. At one Ossoff phone bank, there were 60,494 signups!
The two campaigns’ 77,000 volunteers took over 270,000 shifts, averaging 3.5 shifts per individual! 73% of all shifts happened after November 3, leading up to the special election in January.
55% of those who volunteered on the Ossoff and Warnock campaigns are also affiliated with other organizations on Mobilize. 89% of them signed up to work on the campaign after November 3.
The campaigns also recruited many volunteer hosts who went above and beyond: 201 volunteer hosts created 149 events, reaching out to and recruiting from their own networks. In the Georgia campaigns, volunteer hosts contributed nearly 17,000 shifts (12,000 of which took place after November 3).
Fundraising on Mobilize empowered the campaigns to tap into a network of supporters that were already committed to the cause. After users sign up to take an action with any organization, they are twice as likely to donate.
Since July, Ossoff and Warnock collected 6,021 donations on Mobilize alone. Volunteers donated nearly $103,000, 87% of which was donated after November 3.
By using Mobilize, the campaigns benefitted from a network of over 4 million supporters and 3,000 organizations: they saw 38% more shifts as a result.
58 organizations promoted Warnock or Ossoff, contributing 18% of volunteer shifts. Also, both organizations turned on Mobilize’s bring-a-friend feature, which automatically prompts volunteers to invite their networks to join them or post the links to social media. Bring-a-friend recruited 8% of the total shifts, or 19,500 since July. Our automated recruitment feature brought in 10%, or 26,600, shifts. Both of these features allow organizations to recruit more without putting in any extra effort.
Finally, from the centralized Mobilize.us feed, 13,000 shifts were driven to the campaign. Mobilize.us was able to drive more volunteers than any other organization including the Democratic Party of Georgia, Vote Save America, and the Biden campaign.
Best Practices
Best Practices
Best Practices