Best Practices
Best Practices
With days until the 2021 Elections, we put together a quick list of high-impact features you can activate now to have a big impact on GOTV.
Looking to sign up for GOTV events? Visit Mobilize.Us for GOTV events and actions you can take right now –>
With days until the 2021 election, we put together a quick list of high-impact features you can activate now to have a big impact on GOTV. Together, these features could bring you up to 32% more signups and they’re all ridiculously easy to set up. Make sure you’re taking advantage of all of the features Mobilize has to offer before Get Out The Vote!
10 seconds – 5 minutes to configure; 14% signup uplift (Admins Only)
The Mobilize community is made up of many organizations and supporters. Our promotions feature allows you to tap into the network by highlighting the events of likeminded campaigns and organizations on your feed—and vice versa! 14% of signups platform-wide are driven through promotions and it’s easy as a click of a button!
0 – 60 seconds to configure; up to 12% uplift
12% (!!!) of Mobilize signups come from the automated event suggestions we send to supporters after they sign up for an event. These nudges are on by default—no extra work required—but you can take it one step further and customize the event suggestions to get your most important GOTV events front and center!
1 minute to configure; 4-6% uplift (Admins Only)
In September 2020, we launched a personalized weekly event suggestion newsletter. In our testing, the newsletter generated 4-6% of overall signups, so you’ll definitely want to take advantage of it!
The newsletter is sent on Thursday afternoons to supporters who have signed up for past events or filled out the interest form on your feed. Every newsletter is personalized and automatically suggests events based on the user’s ZIP code and attendance history.
Read more about the weekly automated newsletter in our help center.
10 seconds to configure; time-saver (Admins Only)
During GOTV, time is of the essence, and recording attendance after an event can take precious time away from GOTV efforts. With our Automated Check-In for Virtual Events, you can capture attendance data automatically based on whether a supporter clicked or tapped the “link to join” in the automated email & SMS notifications from Mobilize.
60 seconds to configure (Admins Only)
Why not use your GOTV events to raise money for future efforts? Our post-signup fundraising feature is quick to set up and automatically adds a donation ask to supporters after they register for events. 13% of users who see a fundraising ask after signing up on Mobilize initiate a donation averaging around $27.
Learn more about configuring post-signup donations.
Good luck in the final stretch – you’ve got this!
If you have any questions about activating these features, reach out to your Client Success Manager or send an email to support@mobilize.us.
Finally, THANK YOU, for everything you’re doing to protect our democracy.
Best Practices
Best Practices
Best Practices