We want to share a bit about how we got here and what’s in store for the future.
We couldn’t be more thrilled to share that Mobilize is joining forces with EveryAction!
Mobilize will become an independent division and product within EveryAction. Both of us—as well as our full team—will continue to build the tools our partners love. By joining EveryAction we’ll also more rapidly expand the Mobilize network, which currently includes over 3,000 organizations and four million volunteers who have used the platform.
We want to share a bit about how we got here, why we’re betting on EveryAction (and why EveryAction is betting on us), and what’s in store for the future.
Where did we start
We started Mobilize because we saw the potential power of convening a network around a great set of tools for mobilization, events, and online actions. We believed if we made it easier for organizations to collaborate and recruit volunteers online, more people would take action to make the world more just, inclusive, and democratic.
The platform has evolved a lot from the earliest days. What started as simple event pages has now become the best event management and volunteer recruitment platform for mission-driven organizations.
Automated and social recruitment drive nearly 30% of all sign-ups. We’ve empowered 36,000 supporters to host events—allowing movements and causes to scale. Our partners raise millions off of integrated donation asks. Mobilize.Us (our consumer site) has become a top destination for action for 1M volunteers.
Our partners now range from campaigns and committees, to labor unions, advocacy organizations, and nonprofits. They use us not just for canvasses and phone banks, but virtual member meetings, mass mobilization events, town halls, live streams, cause-based volunteering, online actions, petitions, and much more.
How did the Mobilize + EveryAction partnership come about?
Knowing how critical NGP VAN (the political and campaigns brand of EveryAction) has been to organizers for over a decade, one of the first things we built was our VAN integration.
Our early interactions with the EveryAction team as we built out the integration turned into genuine friendships and collaboration grounded in shared clients and values. Today, over half of our clients use our EveryAction integration—still our most robust CRM integration.
Because of our strong relationship, and clear ability to jointly add value to our shared partners, we had talked about joining up at various points along the way, but the timing was never quite right.
A few months ago, it became clear that now was the perfect time for this partnership to happen. Mobilize had hit an inflection point. We were in an unprecedented election where we powered all online volunteer sign-ups for the winning Biden-Harris and national coordinated campaign—one of the true honors of our lives. We also had proven traction in labor, advocacy, governments, and nonprofits,and we wanted to find the right partner to accelerate our growth and impact. Similarly, EveryAction was looking to complement its suite of tools and fuel even more innovation in online organizing.
So, we started talking more concretely about what this could look like. The conversations progressed with a lot of alignment, and we all deepened our conviction that these products and teams should go together.
Why Mobilize + EveryAction
EveryAction agrees that Mobilize is an irreplaceable part of the ecosystem. At the same time, we also are betting on the future of EveryAction. Why are we convinced?
First of all, we are deeply aligned in our values. No other technology company has gotten to their scale working with just one political party (the Democrats) and prioritizing a social mission.
Second, they are positioned to win and become the premier software company for mission-driven organizations. Every day, new incredible organizations are deciding to switch to EveryAction’s unified CRM for email, fundraising, advocacy, and more. Groups like NAACP, RAICES, NARAL, Planned Parenthood, Rock the Vote, and the Sunrise Movement have made the switch.
Together, we know we can drive even more innovation in digital organizing, volunteer management, and grassroots fundraising. And there is no partner that can better help us accelerate our growth. We’re excited to add many more partners to the Mobilize network by tapping into the 15,000 organizations on EveryAction’s platform.
What does the future hold
Mobilize will continue to invest at the same pace in tools that enable mission-driven organizations of all types to build their base of supporters and engage them in as much action as possible. We’ll continue to improve the organizing experience, expand our suite of automated recruitment capabilities, and launch grassroots fundraising.
We’ve also always said that one of the most special parts of Mobilize is the network. We will continue to invest in unlocking the value of this shared platform: building out mobilize.us, adding more personalization, helping people stay connected to each other, and making improvements to cross-promotion.
With thousands of organizations to collaborate with, and over 4 million volunteers that have used our platform, we are well on track to being the destination for anyone that wants to make the world more just, inclusive, and democratic: through electing better representatives, advocating for better policies, or volunteering with aligned causes. We are just at the beginning of that journey—and are excited to be on it with you.
Thank you
There are so many people that have made Mobilize possible.
First, each and every single member of our incredible team has worked tirelessly to “Help our Partners Succeed” (one of our eight operating principles).
Second, thank you to the many organizers, partners, friends, and advisors who have pushed us to innovate faster than we thought possible.
Third, Mobilize would not exist without Higher Ground Labs: Shomik, Betsy, Andrew, and the whole team. Your early belief, encouragement, and investment is the reason we came to be.
Lastly, thank you to the more than four million volunteers who have taken over 13 million actions through our platform and have committed time and energy—sometimes at personal risk—to make the world more just, inclusive, and democratic.
– Alfred and Allen
See what EveryAction has to say about why they’re betting on us and what’s in store for the future.